
One For The History Books

The Stardoll Fashion Show, an idea that I thought of a while ago but could not quite figure out how to bring into virtual reality. I tried to launch it alone, and failed yet I did not give up. I persevered, I improved my graphics, I put together my fabulous team, I tried again. I wanted to make a mark on the stardoll fashion industry but most of all I wanted to be remembered, even long after I left my account behind. Not for attending parties and owning DKNY but for changing the way stardollians look at fashion. In April 2010 you will see fashion in a new light, in my light.



  1. Anonymous23/1/10 05:22

    Very deep.
    You sort of sound like a politician in this post, you know, cause your talking about changing stardoll and all that. Instead of signing as: -Shanel Holland you should have written: I'm Shanel Holland and I approve this message. xD
    That would'a been hilarious.

  2. Wow, thats beautiful Shanel. I really can't wait to see what you bring to us I am so sure that it will be different and a much needed addition to our stardoll world. I know that no matter what happens to your fashion show, (even though I know it will be a success!) you will move forward and always come out on top. You can always find a way to make things work and thats why I will always remember you. Your an inspiration!

  3. @candyapple.2
    Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Anonymous3/2/10 21:28

    pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!! anon, candy apple there's no need to pretend to be a fan of shanel's. the showz gunna fail an shell be over. here me? O-VER! can't WAIT to see you fall only thing i can say....... HAVE A NICE TRIP!!!

  5. Anonymous3/2/10 21:29


  6. Anonymous3/2/10 21:30

    like woahhhhhh! ur gunna be like SOOO famous!!!!!! like omg I so totally wish I wuz yoo!! *she said sarcastically*

  7. Anonymous3/2/10 21:31

    yahhhhhhhhhh, i hate fashion show. or ''TSFS'' if you wanno calll it that...

  8. Anonymous3/2/10 21:35

    *singing* your your, gonna fail, f-f-f-f-fail, you wont succeeded, n-no you wo-ont *singing*

    case u didnt get that: it's to duh song badd romanceeeee! yahhh!
